
It feels like i’ve been gone for ages… But im back and officially done with my first year. No more summer school, no more worry or doubt. Its offical, i am back in action and continuing my medical education.

In countless ways this year has been the best and worst year of my life. I’ve come very far from the boy that i was when i packed up everything a year ago, July 11th 2007, and moved to DC. The lessons I’ve learned are so invaluable. The stuff i been through can’t be found in books. This is real life stuff that in theory we all think we can handle; but believe you me, goin through it is on a whole other level. All i can really say is that the old adage of “if knew then what i know now” holds so true.

On academics, on relationships [platonic, familial and amorous], and issues in my own head; this year has tested and pushed me to limits, the likes of which i’ve never seen. The beauty of this year has left me awe struck. Bonds made and relationships established have made lasting impressions, the triumphs and joys of this year were the things dreams were made of. And through all of the celebration, I’ve dealt with loss and disappointment; let downs and breaking points. I almost wish i penned [or typed lol] them all down on the blog. But i think it was best that i took the time to work on myself.

Im not trying to romanticize this year or my experience, because i know things can always be worse. But what i am saying is that when we are faced with problems we can and should never lose faith and we should never give up and never take anything lying down. I know that after making it through this, the longest and hardest year of my life to date, there is NO DOUBT that was meant for this.
